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C. Erickson Coaching

🩺Nurse Mid-life Coach & Writer

Helping you chart a path forward through the second half of life.



Quick Guide to Grounding Techniques for Immediate Stress Relief

Midlife Renewal Program

Modern Life is hard.Everyone and everything is clamouring for your attention.There never seems to be enough time in the day to tackle what's important to you.

You've probably tried:

  • Reading Self-Help books <- time consuming

  • Productivity Frameworks <- hard to implement

  • Cutting back on your sleep <- makes you feel like a zombie 🧟♀️

  • Fast Food to save cooking time <- makes you feel bloated and sick 🤮

  • Pushing yourself until you burnout for days or even weeks <- leads to chronic feelings of shame/guilt - the "I'm not good enough" syndrome 👎

All with the goal of finally "getting on top of things😇"

But it just doesn't work.

You might feel a momentary sense of accomplishment.

But the inbox, the laundry basket, your task list fills back up again as soon you empty them.

There is a ton of health, wellness, and self-help advice out there.

But it never seems to tackle the root of the problem.

The bottom line is, if you don't make room in your life for self-care and what's important to you no health program or self-help regimen will do you any good.

The Great Lie of the Modern World:

  • You can do it all

  • Have it all

  • Be it all

The truth:

You have to cut out most of what you are doing to focus ONLY on what's important to YOU.

The key is understanding your specific time & energy constraints so you can master your unique life priorities.

🔑3 Keys to mastering your life in mid-life and beyond:

  • Get clear on what you want.

  • Get rid of what you don't want.

  • Become ruthless about prioritizing what is important.

🧩3 Major Pieces to a saner mid-life:

  • Clarify what you want -> Open up to Fulfillment - So you can experience joy, excitement, and a genuine sense of accomplishment

  • Detox & Declutter both inside and out -> Clear Time & Space - So you can decrease anxiety/stress and create daily stability

  • Hyper-prioritize Health & Wellness -> Protect Your Energy - So you can maintain energy and a zest for life, well into your twilight years.

Line venn diagram

We need these 3 pieces so we can feel these 3 things:

  • Joy & Excitement

  • Calm & Peaceful

  • Nourished & Healthy

Line venn diagram

Having goals and dreams mean nothing if you have no room in your life for them.



Getting rid of unnecessary commitments, shoulds, FOMO, etc. so you can focus on the few things that are truly important and that will move the dial forward on your life aspirations.

Make some room for your life and YOU in it.

We know that we suffer when we have too much on our plate.

So what do we do?

We have to remove some clutter so we have room to breathe and live.

Line venn diagram

We want to:

  • Make room in your life for great things to happen. (Detox & Declutter) ✅

  • Have a plan for going in the direction of those great things. (Gain Clarity and Prioritize) ✅


3 Outcomes:
💎Have Clarity about yourself and your life
🌊so you can Create and Experience Flow
🎯And Prioritize what is truly important to you.

3 Steps to Fix Them:
✅Step # 1: Clarify who you are and what you want.
✅Step # 2: Declutter and Detoxify your world.
✅Step # 3: Prioritize and focus only on what is essential.

I can help you:

Build a Productivity System that helps you cram everything in

Detox your life so you can focus on what truly matters


💡Prioritize and Adopt a Relaxed Productivity.

⚠️Do More. Work Faster. Be more efficient. ❌ => Leads to Burnout, Stress, Overwhelm

💎Clarify, Simplify & Focus on Quality over Quantity. ✅ => Leads to Peace + Joy + Feeling Energized = From Day 1

Are you ready?

Get on Track with a Free Discovery Call today


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Hello, my name is Charity.I am a Registered Nurse and I have been working in a large inner city hospital for the past 10 years.I am proud to be a nurse and I enjoy working with patients and their families.But over the course of my career, it became clear to me that the industrial health care system does not prioritize health. Instead of 'health care,' it felt more like I was working in a sickness factory with a revolving door.To make matters worse, I was getting burnt out and sick myself.My coping mechanisms were alcohol and food which only created more health problems.I saw that my fellow nurses were struggling with the same things I was. They were all trying to give as much as they could, only to have the insatiable needs of the system demand more and more.I saw this same burnout occurring in my patients, friends, and my own family.Everyone around me seemed so sick and tired, including me.I realized that, if I wanted to really take care of my health, I had to take matters into my own hands.I decided to drastically simplify my life and re-align with the values of true human health and wellness.I created a simple, framework that put myself and the people I care about at the center of my own life.I had to:

  1. Get Clear about who I was and what I wanted out of life.

  2. Declutter and Detoxify my outer and inner world.

  3. Prioritize and Focus only on what is most essential to me and my humanity.

I am not going to lie to you. This process was not easy.I had to work hard to overcome the guilt I felt about not being able to 'heal the world.' Instead, I turned my attention to taking care of and healing myself.My people-pleasing nature, my permeable boundaries, and my tendency to ignore my own needs were all obstacles that I had to overcome.This is still a work in progress for me but I've come a long way.My message to you is that it is never too late to begin clearing a space for yourself in your life.I am living proof of that.

Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:

1. Getting Clear

Together, we will dig deep and explore who you are and what you truly want out of life.

2. Detox & Declutter

We will establish a plan to decrease overwhelm and make room in your life for genuine health and wellness

3. Hyper-Prioritize

We will work on setting strong boundaries and goals so you can focus on maintaining your energy and zest for life, well into your twilight years.

It's time to make some room in your life for
authentic self-care.

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Midlife Renewal here:


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